If you click within the border of the set, you can sometimes find: "save image as..." or "save picture.." or some other pop up of a similar nature. One thing, you might not be able to find the exact spot to click, and, for instance using certain browsers, you might get "save page" instead. It's no big deal; search again. One way to do that is hover the mouse pointer over parts of the set, and the borders of the individual parts show, up, then, click in the blank space between the borders, and you should get "save image.." or whatever. Then, just proceed to save it as any other image.
Sorry, that's about as simple as I can find to do it. 4 years ago
Click on the set to open its page and then click on the link at the bottom that says share on blog or forum. You will then be given the option to copy the url of the picture. 4 years ago
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