Ebony Whitehead

Registered 5 years ago  |  Lives in York, United Kingdom

I love creating outfits for the characters I write about heart
5 years ago
Beginner (331 points)
trendMe rank: 3710 
Level: 4




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next level progress 49.11%

You got 30 points  (6 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 276 points you came to 306 points.    5 years ago
You got 20 points  (4 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 266 points you came to 286 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 276 points you came to 281 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 269 points you came to 276 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 264 points you came to 269 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 259 points you came to 264 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 252 points you came to 259 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 247 points you came to 252 points.    5 years ago
You got 15 points  (3 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 222 points you came to 237 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 225 points you came to 232 points.    5 years ago
You got 10 points  (2 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 210 points you came to 220 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 208 points you came to 215 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 201 points you came to 208 points.    5 years ago
You got 30 points  (6 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 146 points you came to 176 points.    5 years ago
You got 1 point  (1 x 1) because you commented on public set.  From 170 points you came to 171 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 165 points you came to 170 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 158 points you came to 165 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 153 points you came to 158 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 146 points you came to 153 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 139 points you came to 146 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 134 points you came to 139 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 129 points you came to 134 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 122 points you came to 129 points.    5 years ago
You got 10 points  (2 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 107 points you came to 117 points.    5 years ago
You got 7 points  (1 x 7) because your set is publicly approved.  From 105 points you came to 112 points.    5 years ago
You got 5 points  (1 x 5) because you got a 'Like' for your set.  From 100 points you came to 105 points.    5 years ago
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