adidas Balerinas - adidas Ring Wizard Boxing Shoes

Report Agregado: 7 años hace

$44.99 ~ 38.64€

The perfect blend of performance, comfort and style. Unparalleled support and a sock like fit make this lightweight shoe an instant classic. Mesh breath ability and TPU stripe support
Extremely breathable mesh body and strategically placed synthetic performance fabrics
Flexible supportive TUP strips reinforces the sock-like fit
Superior rubber outsole overlays flow molded to the flexible fabric base layer create amazing grip and flexibility
Internal, die-cut EVA midsole helps create a perfect "attack stance"
Product Description
The perfect blend of performance, comfort and style. Unparalleled support and a sock like fit make this lightweight shoe an instant classic. Mesh breath ability and TPU stripe support. Extremely breathable mesh body and strategically placed synthetic performance fabrics. Flexible supportive TUP strips reinforces the sock-like fit. Superior rubber outsole overlays flow molded to the flexible fabric base layer create amazing grip and flexibility. Internal, die-cut EVA midsole helps create a perfect "attack stance".

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