PacificPlex Vestidos - Strapless Prom Dress Holiday Party Gown Cocktail w/ Polka Dot Net Skirt & Color Bow Black/White/Red

Report Agregado: 13 años hace

$78.99 ~ 67.84€

Old price:$119.99
Please refer to the PacificPlex Junior Formal Size Chart for this item
Stunning party or holiday dress.
Perfect for cocktail parties, after six, sweet 16, bar/bat mitzvah, prom, homecoming, quinceanera
Cute and classic above-the knee party dress, solid Black satin bodice, flocked polkadot net skirt with crinoline petticoat, color bow with rhinestone accent. Matching scarf.

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Combinaciones con  Strapless Prom Dress Holiday Party Gown Cocktail w/ Polka Dot Net Skirt & Color Bow Black/White/Red (Vestidos)

Baile de Promoción
best night

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