Ray-Ban Gafas de sol - Ray-Ban 0RB3482 Aviator Sunglasses Arista Frame/Green Lens

Report Agregado: 13 años hace

$163.28 ~ 140.24€

Old price:$199.00

Ray-Ban is the world's most iconic eyewear brand and is a global leader in its sector. Every model in the Ray-Ban collection is the product of meticulous, original styling that translates the best of the latest fashion trends into an ever-contemporary look for millions of Ray-Ban wearers around the world. From the early Aviator style that emerged in 1937 to the introduction of the classic Wayfarer in 1952, Ray-Ban is a brand that embodies America and adventure, great cities and wide-open spaces, heroism, individuality, and authenticity. Starting with a silver screen debut in 1961, Ray-Ban sunglasses have appeared throughout hundreds of films and have been a favorite on the Hollywood scene for years, both on and off the screen. With timeless and imaginative styles, Ray-Ban consistently blends high-tech design, lenses, and materials.  The collection remains true to its classic heritage while continuously evolving to meet today's fashion demands.

Fuente: http://ecx.images-amazon.com
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Combinaciones con  Ray-Ban 0RB3482 Aviator Sunglasses Arista Frame/Green Lens (Gafas de sol)

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