Roxy Vestidos - Roxy Kids Girls 2-6x Chica Dress Natural

Report Agregado: 13 años hace

$28.34 ~ 24.34€

100% cotton crinkle gauze and voile lining Machine Wash Cute embroidered heart detail on yoke. Fully lined. Great casual dress 23.5" hps
Woven A-line dress with embroidered yoke and sleeves. Roxy was born from the Southern California boardsports culture. As the girls branch of big brother, Quiksilver, Roxy leads the way in blending action sports apparel with current fashion trends. Roxy believes in not only outfitting girls in sports but supporting the girls that rock their gear. Roxy's snow and surf teams consist of world class athletes who know how to shred the mountains and the waves in style.

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