Go Fund Me

De la colección ArtArte, 7 años hace
por Incogneato
Go Fund Me- Combinaciónde moda
This poor doll is in dire need of modest cleavage and a torso. Seriously!
I cry at the lovely dolls we once made and pray we can have that luxury again.
I'm not sure I can afford another 8 years developing a site as a participant.
Love you all. xoxo

Comentarios (27)



haikuandkysses, 7 años hace


dgia, 7 años hace

Wonderful work!

CherryLayne, 7 años hace

totally understand that...I feel like a beginner again...it takes awhile to get every thing working right...lots of work they have to go...your set is beautiful though...much better than mine...im having the hardest time downloading things to use...it just wont let me..

CraftyGeminiCreation , 7 años hace

Amazing job! I agree 100%!

Incogneato, 7 años hace

Thank you sweet friends. FYI I have uploaded doll parts.

lastchance , 7 años hace

Trully ahamazing. I completely understand. I'm so sad. Wish they would have done it differently.. at least give us some time to save before shuttung down. Just wrong. Sending you love xx

EmJule , 7 años hace


dianefantasy , 7 años hace


Qiou, 7 años hace

My beloved friend always loves your talent!!!

Incogneato, 7 años hace

@Bev Martin, the name is due to knowing a person who fund raised for breasts!

Bev Martin, 7 años hace

LOL! I love this and your description! I have downloaded several of the Satinee doll parts that I used on Polyvore!

Incogneato, 7 años hace

Thank you friends. I just uploaded some doll parts in ‘my looks.’ ❤️

zaplily , 7 años hace

LOL I just realized you used peaches to create cleavage!

Danijela , 7 años hace

wonderful art♥

Beverly , 7 años hace

Joyce, this is fabulous. I am only doing fashion sets at the moment. Maybe one of these days I will do an art set. I sure miss Polyvore. Hope you are doing well. Hugs xx

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