thirty nine.

De la colección Autumn/Winter 2018Fiesta casual, 6 años hace
por Aurora
thirty nine.- Combinaciónde moda
Does anyone know why my sets seem to be blurry when I publish them? They're fine when I'm making them, but as soon as I save them, some items are super blurry.

Comentarios (3)


haikuandkysses, 6 años hace


Aurora , 6 años hace

Thank you so much smile & yeh, I guess that could be it. So strange though! Quite disappointing really. Thank you for answering, I really appreciate it ♥ Michelle858

Michelle858, 6 años hace

This is lovely, by the way. I am not sure of blurriness. I think it may depend on how the photo appears on it's original website. That's just a guess. I have uploaded items that looked fine and than no so good once they came up on TM. I usually deleted it. I hope someone knows for sure why it blurs - your sets always look great to me smile

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