Quelque Chose Dans Mes Pensées / Something On My Mind

De la colección Autumn/Winter 2019Otoño, 5 años hace
por HalfMoonRun
Quelque Chose Dans Mes Pensées / Something On My Mind- Combinaciónde moda
Comentarios (12)



Incogneato, 5 años hace

Outstanding ... adore the unique use of slide guitar (and the dude playing it!) ❤️

Elza, 5 años hace

Wonderful music!!! ;)

Gabikc, 5 años hace

So cool. Congrats!!

Niwi , 5 años hace

PS : lovely set ! I like the picture very much smile

Niwi , 5 años hace

Another inforgettable melody ! Thank you so much for posting the song with the lyrics, it helps me a lot ! I'm sure it's been a blast in Montreal last night! You rock dear friends ! xo

KateGWest, 5 años hace

What a wonderful group...I've always wondered why your name is Half Moon Run, now I know. I TOTALLY loved all the insturments in this video (my gosh there was even a steel guitar!) and the harmonizing was flawless. Where are you in this group?

p.s. love the set you made, flawless. xok

VeneziaDea , 5 años hace

Love your song, sweeties. heart

HalfMoonRun, 5 años hace

The title in French should read "Quelque Chose SUR Mes Pensées".
Here are the lyrics of the song with a very special thought for Véro
Niwi : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9UyiEHKo5w

beautifulplace, 5 años hace

Absolutely fabulous!! Thank you for the video!!

lemo, 5 años hace

uau sensationell

Doozer , 5 años hace

Wonderful Sweetie, they are adorable and so talented too. I love their music!! XXO

Michelle858, 5 años hace


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