Quand L'Histoire Commence À S'Écrire

De la colección Autumn/Winter 2020Amor, 4 años hace
por HalfMoonRun
Quand L'Histoire Commence À S'Écrire- Combinaciónde moda
Comentarios (8)



Enchanticals , 4 años hace

Oh, magnificent.

Yes, when the story begins to be written is one of the most exciting parts of being/falling in love. This reminds me of when the story of my late husband and I fell in love. When I first met him, I simply could not stand him.. Ha! Then.... the story began a week later...

Our story was short lived, but so beyond words magical while he was here.

I love this set so much.

-------------, 4 años hace

Fantastic set, love this urban casual look, awesome!

DiscoMermaid , 4 años hace


Michelle858, 4 años hace

I am with KateGWest on this one - one cute model in this set, yes !
Great outfit and the boots are really rad - heart

KateGWest, 4 años hace

love, love, love this black and white set!! Okay, the guy helps the love part - HA. (You know I am an old lady and these long haired blonde guys remind me of my first love...Memories!) xok

Renita , 4 años hace

More cool menswear, love it!

Doozer , 4 años hace

Wonderful Sweetie!! XXO

BeBeauty, 4 años hace

cool smile

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