I love Christmas!

De la colección Collection By Performance ChristmasArte, 11 años hace
por Performance Maria de Fatima
I love Christmas!- Combinaciónde moda
Comentarios (11)



haikuandkysses, 7 años hace


Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 años hace

lorena , Hena, Yoko Suzuki, suncesunce, svijetlana69, heartafloat, maca1974,Gorm, thank you very much, hugs and kisses.

Hena, 11 años hace

great christmas set. i love yours artistick setsheart

THANKS , 11 años hace

Warm autumn. to warm the heart❤❤

svijetlana, 11 años hace

divan božićni set...jako mi se sviđaju tvoji umjetnički radovi heart

heartafloat, 11 años hace

so sweet and lovely!♥♥♥

Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 años hace

My friend Gorm, thank yoy, always, thank you! Posted on my facebook page with this little poetry Dale Evans Rogers.

"Christmas, my child, is love in action.
Every time that we love,
every time we give ourselves, it's Christmas! "

Thank you! Obbrigada!

gorm , 11 años hace

They say every picture a thousand words, but your work also left speechless!! beautiful Mary really wonderful!

Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 años hace

Dear Betty Gaither-Harmon, thank you, hugs and kisses.

Performance Maria de Fatima, 11 años hace

Thank you, my friend Maca, hugs and kisses.

maca1974, 11 años hace

this is so cute smile

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