In a Place of Magic

De la colección Polyvore reunitedArte, 7 años hace
por Suburbhater
In a Place of Magic- Combinaciónde moda
Comentarios (9)


Suburbhater , 7 años hace

I do think you are. At least there is a candle and a teapot

Etteniotna, 7 años hace

Cool; I saw the one of Brian. He joined this site and has been working on a draft, not sure he will ever finish it!
Am I having potion in a tea pot?

Suburbhater , 7 años hace

I put a couple of photos up - you and your husband - but they are listed for friends only so while my friends can use them, and others can see them, not everyone can use them in sets.

Etteniotna, 7 años hace

Hello me!

Danijela , 7 años hace


aazraa, 7 años hace


Niwi , 7 años hace

Beautiful "Ette's place" ;-)

Marion Miller, 7 años hace


haikuandkysses, 7 años hace


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