#691 2023 Inspired by Crows!

De la colección Spring/Summer 2022 , 2 años hace
por siriusfun
#691 2023  Inspired by Crows!- Combinaciónde moda
Just a fun set with a beautiful dress which reminded me of crows or ravens. We have quite a few in our neighborhood and they are fun to watch.
crows are very intelligent, can learn to speak and collect shiny items!!

Comentarios (20)



siriusfun, 2 años hace

Michelle858 Thank you so very much my friend!!!

Michelle858, 2 años hace

Excellent, just superb !

siriusfun, 2 años hace

Evgeniya7 Thank you so very much!!!! The dress color reminds me of a raven's feather. Iridescent.

Evgeniya7, 2 años hace

❤️ Seth is really cool! The dress catches the eye! ❤️

siriusfun, 2 años hace

beautifulplace Thank you so very much!!!

beautifulplace, 2 años hace

Very nice dress, excquisite comboheart

siriusfun, 2 años hace

BeBeauty Thank you so very much!!!

BeBeauty, 2 años hace

I love it ♥

siriusfun, 2 años hace

KateGWest Thank you so very much!!!!

KateGWest, 2 años hace

Bewitching = love it !!

siriusfun, 2 años hace

Renita Thank you so very much for the like and sweet comment!!

Renita , 2 años hace

This is fabulous! Love the crows and the elegant outfitheart

siriusfun, 2 años hace

JelNik Thank you so very much!!!

siriusfun, 2 años hace

Hazi Thank you so very much!!!

JelNik, 2 años hace

Fabulous outfit and wonderful accessories!

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