Sending Love

De la colección VespagirlAmor, 7 años hace
por vespagirl
Sending Love- Combinaciónde moda
#artset I was trying to post to art but am not sure how. Of course another fun thing to try to discover. Sending love to all but especially to Cindu12 because making dolls will be challenging but it can be done!

Comentarios (21)


haikuandkysses, 7 años hace


nanawidia, 7 años hace

but this is great dear n' pretty face

Aida Nurkovic, 7 años hace

Beautiful !!!

Incogneato, 7 años hace

Splendid sets ... this doll rocks!

Beverly , 7 años hace

Wow! Beautiful doll!

collagette, 7 años hace

She's divine =D

Lottie Farren, 7 años hace

amazing doll, thanks for pointing the way forward for dolls

marie clarke, 7 años hace

gr8t job

katik27, 7 años hace

wooow, really eye-catching, fabulous work, dear ♥

Suburbhater , 7 años hace

I am so impressed! I thought dolls were going to be the one thing we could not do here but you proved me wrong.

Duki, 7 años hace

Very pretty!

Cindy Thompson, 7 años hace

Oh wow! She is amazing sweetie! Thank you so so much for thinking of me and showing me that dolls can be done! You are an angel for your kindness and I will never forget it! Sending you hugs and kisses!! Cindy

svijetlana2, 7 años hace


irish-eyes-were-smiling ♥️ , 7 años hace


Kristina Babić, 7 años hace

Gorgeous! Sending love as well♥

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