Gray Monday

collection Autumn/Winter 2018Autumn, 6 years ago
by Kate O
Gray Monday - Fashion set
26 NOV 2018 ~ Been Overcast all morning !! I actually went to a store to shop for Christmas and I was exhausted after a few minutes !!

Happy Monday !!

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Comments (18)


Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, 5 years ago


Kate O, 6 years ago

Enjoy whatever has you going to the kitchen !! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ xoxoxoxo !!

Niwi , 6 years ago

Thank you sweetie ! smile I've always been comfortable with Pat and Sophie, all went well very quickly and the begining is so far away, like into a former life. They both are from my clan ! ;-))
Going with the Flow to the kitchen right now hehehe !

Kate O, 6 years ago

Niwi ~ I knew it was at Luc's Dads place, I didn't correct it. At first it was probably uncomfortable for you, but, being with your son and celebrating your birthday together was the important thing, not where you were or who might be there also !! You have a Large & Loving Heart my Friend !!
Embrace your new Mantra: Going with the Flow !!

Yep !! Niwi 1 - Stress 0

Hugs & Kisses Vero !!

Niwi , 6 years ago

Yes you are probably right. It was not Luc's place celebrations, but at his father's place, Pat. Most of our clan meeting take place at Pat's house because it's the biggest.
You are totally right, I agree with everything you said. I'll do what I feel like doing. I'll celebrate Christmas Eve where luc is, which is at Pat and Sophie's house with his step brothers and sister, because for NYD he'll be with friends and I won't see him. All the rest I don't care, I'll be following the flow. Niwi 1 - Stress 0 ! ;-)

Kate O, 6 years ago

Niwi ~ Now I understand where some of your stress is coming from. It sounds like Juliet has attended Luc's Christmas Eve Celebration for many years and all that time she probably felt like the odd man out even though it was to celebrate your Birthday also !! Maybe you and Juliet can start a new tradition and get together earlier in the day, go to breakfast or lunch, just you two !!
After Mom died our Family fell apart and all the traditions went by the wayside. No more Family get togethers for Easter, T-day or Christmas because of the situation with Mike & Chris and their treatment of Mom and their attitude after being caught in their lies & deception. How does one sit at the same table, enjoy the food and interact with them knowing what they did or didn't do to/for our Mom ?? Apparently Sherri can and has also visited them in Idaho. Given all that had transpired over the 3 years prior to Mom's death, this was the last straw !! I felt like she was dishonoring our Mom's memory, choosing to embrace M & C knowing what they had done. I am pleasant when around Sherri & Dale, but, I don't initiate any get togethers and don't go to Grass Valley to visit. I think they have finally gotten the hint that neither Ed nor I want to celebrate Holidays with them & they were not invited to Ed's for T-day again this year !! What they thought or felt I haven't a clue, but, it is no longer my problem and like you I am not going to try and please everyone !!
The other problem with being around Sherri & Dale is their support and vote for #45. M&C and their Family are all supporters of #45 so you can see how totally stressful it would be for me to just be around them, let alone share a Holiday !!
At least you don't have my Family dynamics, Thank Heavens !!
Let Juliet celebrate Christmas Eve alone and who knows, maybe she'll realize it doesn't matter if they are family or friends, it is celebrating the Holiday and your Birthday that is important. I can't imagine that there are families still celebrating the Holidays the same way as when they were young !! Family dynamics change when the kids grow up, marry, have their own kids, move away etc... Life gets complicated and messy so change is inevitable and how you handle the change can determine how stressful it is. Bottom Line : Do what makes YOU Happy !!

Thinking of You too Sweetie !! I wish I could be there to give you a real early Birthday Hug !! Take care and just let the stress go !!
xoxoxo, Kate

Niwi , 6 years ago

Thank you Kate, don't worry about my usual Xmass stress. I think I'm just over reacting. Knowing that J. doesn't want to attend Christmas Eve this year at Luc's dad is adding pressure on me, but she doesn't feel like being there and she is free. I think she is tired to spend Christmas Eve with them, they are not her family, they are luc's one. She probably would like to have her own family with her but it is complicated. Oh well... I'm not the one to tell her she has to enjoy the clan company this special evening. This will be my first Bday without her since our dad is gone, but I'm tired to try to satisfy everybody. I'm fearing each end of year because I don't know how she'll feel like. I understand, but I'm tired.
Anyway, otherwise I'm ok and I know Ms Moon is somewhere here above. It's a rainy week here too and skies are low.
I'm thinking of you and sending you hugs Kate!

Kate O, 6 years ago

Niwi ~ Hugs Vero !! I am more Frustrated than concerned about my health. Every new treatment plan comes with more side effects and they tend to be worse than before. I guess I should be thankful I am not on intravenous Chemo again, the Afinitor Chemo pill is bad enough. Dr. B. has been adjusting the dosage, but, I am not sure it will make much difference. She is trying to be positive about the many treatments still available, but, is also frustrated that my quality of life isn't better. There are many days that I just want to give up, but, I don't, because it isn't in my nature to do so !! I was gifted that trait from my Dad along with his strong work ethics. It is times like these that I really miss and need my Dad !! I'll push on and deal with whatever is in store for me and have a good Christmas with my little Family & Friends.
On a lighter note, I am not sure what Meesu will do when I put up my tree !! None of my other Kitties tried to climb it or steal ornaments etc... Meesu is not like them at all, she is feisty, super playful and has Cattitude !! I have to chuckle just thinking about what she might do !!
Vero, I am so sorry you are already stressed about the Holidays. I would help if I could !! Our Moon is resting here because it's raining (which we need ) so I can't see her, however, I know she is above the clouds and I'll ask her to help you to get through the Holidays with less stress !!
Hugs my Dear Sweet Friend !! xoxo

Niwi , 6 years ago

Ah! I'm already stressed and it was just my state of mind, but I don't want to ruin Christmas love for anyone smile
I'm more concerned with your health and the drugs effect, (or lack of positive effect). Hope this is a matter of time to get used to them, or a dosing problem ? Or maybe they need to be adjusted by the Doc?
Take care of you sweetie, have all the rest you need, and enjoy the season! xoxo

Kate O, 6 years ago

Niwi ~The shopping experience on Monday was the worst ever and it had nothing to do with crowds since I went early !! Shopping is usually fun and satisfying when I find the right gifts. I found the right PJ's for Ava & a gift for Lois, but, I didn't realize just how taxing it would be !! For the past 3 month I have had no energy & I get winded when I do simple tasks or walk to the mailbox. I have tremors that effect my stability and while I was shopping I thought I was going to collapse, so I sat for awhile until I felt better so I could finish and go home. At this point none of the treatment drugs are making me feel better, just the opposite !!
It's hard sometimes to be joyful, happy and festive, when you really don't feel that way !! I don't want to make grumpy people any grumpier or happy people less happy at this time of year. Thankfully I do Love the Christmas Season !! To stay Joyful, Happy & Festive, I try to avoid situations & people who act like it is a punishment to shop for gifts. They need to shop online or just give gift cards and leave us poor Christmas Lovers in peace !! LOL !!!
Hopefully you won't be too stressed out with all that is " The Christmas Season " !!

Niwi , 6 years ago

Love the style smile Beautiful Black and White set Kate! You are brave ! This is this time of the year I don't like again, with the end of Fall, shopping, and being joyful is requiered, not to say mandatory. I feel like last one was a few days ago!
;-) xoxo

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Gals !!
Doozer ~ Though I Love Christmas, I have an aversion to the crowds of rude & crazy shoppers !! One of my Christmas traditions is PJ's for my Munchkins to open & wear on Christmas Eve. The twins can still fit in Hanna Andersson Pj's but, their Adult size PJ's are quite expensive, so I buy Ava's in a store because of the fit, quality & price. Never been a shop til you drop Gal !! Thanks to the internet I can shop in my PJ's and the items are delivered to my door !! Have a nice Tuesday. It's supposed to be sunny and cool here !! =D

Nanni33, 6 years ago

❤️ TOP

Doozer , 6 years ago

Fabulous Sweetie!! It's been grey here too and rainy. So that old saying "shop 'til you drop" . . . I drop a whole lot faster than I used to. XXO

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