
collection FASHION , 6 years ago
by Niwi
Soon...!- Fashion set
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Comments (8)


Kate O, 6 years ago

Five years ?? Oh my Goodness !! I am happy that you are happy having this job !!
If you don't like what you do it can make life unbearable !! I know that for a fact !!
Enjoy the rest of your Holiday !! Hugs Sweetie !!

Niwi , 6 years ago

Kate O This is right Kate ! For sure I love to take my time making what I love to do when I want to, but I'm also very happy with this job and feel so lucky I've got it, you know... ;-) I can't realize this will be my 5th September "Back to School" already !
Hugs ! xo

Kate O, 6 years ago

Wonderful Back to Work Set !! Holidays come to an end and it is back to reality and the 5 day grind !! =(

Niwi , 6 years ago

Merci beaucoup. Oui j'ai bien l'intention d'en profiter ;-)

Niwi , 6 years ago

Thank you dear friends smile

Gianoula , 6 years ago

With this Outfit the autumn can come

HalfMoonRun, 6 years ago

Très joli style, pour le travail ou pas. Profitez bien de ces huit derniers jours de congé, chère Niwi Niwi .

neverorever , 6 years ago

Fabulous set sweetie smile

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Previous member sets

Set items (7)

Messenger bags
Man bag - Messenger bags - $189.00  ~ £143.64

by alisochkat

$189.00 ~ £143.64


Broderick Suede Ankle Boot - Boots - $278.00  ~ £211.28
M & S - Bracelets -
M & S - Jeans -
Jacket - coats
ALEXIS jacket - Jacket - coats -

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