collection Herbst/Winter 2022Autumn, 2 years ago
by lemo
ADELIA- Fashion set
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Comments (19)


Márta Tugyi, 2 years ago

Congratulations on being featured in the Best of TrendMe newsletter this week!

Gaja11 , 2 years ago

Congratulations on your set featuring in The Best Of trendMe For This Week.

jacksondobe, 2 years ago

Congratulations my dear for being featured in this week's trendMe Newsletter!! heartheartheart

Doozer , 2 years ago

Congratulations for being featured in the Best of TrendMe Newsletter Sweetie!! XXO

HalfMoonRun, 2 years ago

Congratulations on your set featuring in The Best Of trendMe For This Week.

Sherlin, 2 years ago

Traumhaftes Outfit, liebe Lumi!

Renita , 2 years ago

Gorgeous, I love it all!

herasdarne, 2 years ago


justmetwo, 2 years ago

Wow!!! super elegant love it dear ♥♥

Doozer , 2 years ago

Gorgeous Sweetie I hope you had a wonderful weekend!! XXO

JelNik, 2 years ago

Fabulous elegant look!

Lumi21 , 2 years ago

Ce frumoos! Adelia se numeste matusa mea!

kiwijam, 2 years ago

Elegant and sophisticated heart

dgia, 2 years ago

Awesome look!!! Filakia!xxx

Diane1234, 2 years ago

Stunning set

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