26th of December I hope you has a good Christmas

collection interiorsInterior design, Competition 'Christmas time', 4 years ago
by sandra
26th of December I hope you has a good Christmas- Fashion set
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Comments (8)



Michelle858, 4 years ago

This is excellent ! ! ! Congratulations on babies !

sandra , 4 years ago

HalfMoonRun I'd been wondering how babies first Christmas went, glad to hear it was good. Nothing like a newborn to make the holidays work.

Mine will be better next year. The timing was just off now, but over all it was fine.

HalfMoonRun, 4 years ago

PS: yes, we had a very, very good Christmas and we hope that it was the same for you.

beautifulplace, 4 years ago

Super lovely interior & christmas tree ♥️

HalfMoonRun, 4 years ago

Another unique, warm and welcoming interior home design. And we love, love it.

BeBeauty, 4 years ago

wonderful smile

sandra , 4 years ago

Suburbhater thank you smile I've always enjoyed making interiors as much as I do fashion sets. It feels like I'm walking into different homes, imagining who'd live there.

Suburbhater , 4 years ago

You are making such wonderful rooms these days! They are all just lovely.

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