keystone species 20: and here he is (lions)

collection keystone speciesNature, 2 years ago
by sandra
keystone species 20: and here he is (lions)- Fashion set
What took me so long, I know, I know.

They are the only animals in Africa big enough to keep elephants and giraffes in check. Who are very big eaters in their own right which depletes food avaliable to all the others. They also sort out the zebra's and wildebeest.

Their operation grounds are grasslands and forests. They live in prides (one adult lion, several lionesses and the offspring of said lion). Their population is declining as well (for obvious reasons again)

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Comments (6)


Gaja11 , 2 years ago

Perfect set and lion nfo❤︎

HalfMoonRun, 2 years ago

Great styling and WONDERFULLY inspired and informative (which is truly appreciated) set. ❤︎

sandra , 2 years ago

siriusfun glad you like it and thank you for following my keystone species chronicle smile

BeBeauty, 2 years ago

love ♥♥

Danijela , 2 years ago

adorable ❤

siriusfun, 2 years ago

Beautiful outfit, set and message! I love the lion information too!

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