Special Sunday Evening

collection Spring/Summer 2018City, 7 years ago
by Kate O
Special Sunday Evening - Fashion set
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Comments (19)



Niwi , 7 years ago

My "camping" memories are rather thin, as I was really young last time. But I'm sure it has changed a lot here too.

Kate O, 7 years ago

Niwi ~ Labor Day is the official end of Summer vacations. Used to be we would go camping one last time over Labor Day. All the other avid campers were doing the same thing & it became a hassle & not much fun. Who wants to camp right next to a family of bratty, unruly kids or a group of obnoxious drunks & partiers !! Last time I "faux" camped was over 20 years ago and it was at a State Campground near Monterey with bathrooms & Showers. All of us had a trailer with a kitchen, bathroom, real beds etc... so it was just a mobile hotel room !! The empty space behind our spot was invaded by a Huge, Mega expensive motorhome. They proceeded to set up camp ( what a a joke ) and turned their stereo up loud so they could hear it outside, while they enjoyed their expensive bottles of wine, a filet mignon dinner with all the fixings. Couldn't help but hear the guy yelling over the music on how did his wife like her steak cooked !!! Kind of turned me off on "Camping" !! Thankfully I have great memories of really camping with my Mom & Dad at out of the way places & no other peeps except our immediate Families.
Us kids had a blast !!
Hugs Vero !!

Niwi , 7 years ago

Oh yes! Happy labour day to you ! I forgot yours in September 1st! Ours is May the 1st.
I like 1st of september because August is gone and Fall is coming.. I like August because it is holiday, but to me this is the worst month of the year because of the heat ;-)

Kate O, 7 years ago

Thanks Vero !! Happy September first !!

Niwi , 7 years ago

Awesome !

Kate O, 7 years ago

Thanks Gals !!

haikuandkysses, 7 years ago


beautifulplace, 7 years ago

Stunning look, dear! Love those pants with that jacket!!!

Kate O, 7 years ago

vespagirl ~ Thanks Sweetie !!

vespagirl, 7 years ago


Kate O, 7 years ago

Leave it to Vivienne Westwood to create a Fabulous jacket !! Thank You all so very much for the wonderful comments !!
Bev Martin
Fashion Design

Doozer , 7 years ago

Fabulous Sweetie!! XXO

Bev Martin, 7 years ago

Gorgeous! Love the jacket!

Fashion Design, 7 years ago


elenaviola, 7 years ago

Great look! Love the chic jacket!

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