Class of 2020

collection Spring/Summer 2019School, 6 years ago
by Kate O
Class of 2020 - Fashion set
14 AUG 2019 ~ Back to School tomorrow for my Munchkins !! Ava is in 8th grade & will go to High School next year, so this is a special year for her to be a mentor for the incoming class of 1st graders.
There is a rose ceremony tomorrow to welcome the newbies to Golden Valley Waldorf Charter School.

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Comments (14)


Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Hon !!

Elza, 6 years ago

Beautiful set !!! smile

Kate O, 6 years ago

Hugs & Thanks my Friends !!
Michelle858 ~ =D
peewee PV
beautifulplace ~ heart

Michelle858, 6 years ago

Yes. I am a "fan" of home schooling, Waldorf and Montessori heart heart They seem to be the better experience for a child.

peewee PV, 6 years ago

wonderful casual look

beautifulplace, 6 years ago

So very lovely, dear!!
Always love your stories! heart

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thank You Sweet Friends !! Yes, I am a very proud Grama Kate !!

HalfMoonRun, 6 years ago

Very pretty styling. So cute set. And, as always, very beautiful touching and full of love grandmother's words.

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !! My Munchkin are growing up so fast, especially Ava !!
Niwi ~ Aww, so sweet of you !
Michelle858 ~ Waldorf is a great alternative education based on Rudolph Steiner's method of teaching !! Creativity versus rote & textbook learning. =D

Niwi , 6 years ago

Cute outfits Kate! This is a very important day for Ava ! I'll be thinking about her smile
Hugs ! xoxo

Michelle858, 6 years ago

Great set ! I LOVE the sneakers and so happy to know of Waldorf (thumbs up ! ) heart

neverorever , 6 years ago

I hear you ...Never liked when August came ...Grrrr.. lol : )

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thank You Sweetie !! When I went to school classes started the day after Labor Day, the first Tuesday in Sept. So going back to school mid-August is so strange to me !! =D

neverorever , 6 years ago

Ah ,back to school again ....this summer went too fast ...Set is amazing btw smileheart

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