" I Have. . . Have You ? "

collection Spring/Summer 2019Spring, 6 years ago
by Kate O
" I Have. . . Have You ? " - Fashion set
10 MAY 2019 ~ May, a Magical Month full of Wondrous things and Happenings.

Have a Wondrous Friday !!

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Comments (15)



Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks Sweetie !!
Carmen Creation

Carmen Creation , 5 years ago


haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Hon !!

dressi, 6 years ago

beautiful set❤️

Kate O, 6 years ago

Hugs and Thanks !!

beautifulplace, 6 years ago

Bluetiful Sweetie!♥

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks ever so much my Friends !!
Bev Martin
Incogneato ~ Haven't been outside lately to see Ms. Moon. Thanks for thinking about me !! =D
Niwi ~ Hugs Vero !! I am going to make a point of going outside tonight to try and get a peek of Ms. Moon !! =D

Bev Martin, 6 years ago

Gorgeous! Love the colors!

HalfMoonRun, 6 years ago

Very pretty styling. Lovely colours and charming set ☆

Niwi , 6 years ago

That's right Kate, the 26th of May. Have a wonderful weekend with Rachel and the Munchkins smile
I saw her too this early morning Joyce, she was a little "croissant" winking at me through the kitchen window when I made my coffee. I know it was not at the same time, but I also think of Kate and you ;-) Incogneato

neverorever , 6 years ago

Divine heart heart heart

Incogneato, 6 years ago

OMG this is so lovely! I agree with Niwi ... these are soothing colors! BTW I saw a lovely bright crescent moon last night high in the western sky. I thought of you both! ❤️

Kate O, 6 years ago

Awww, Thanks Vero !! I Love these colors too !! This weekend is our Mother's Day and I will spend some time with Rachel & my Munchkins !! I know that Mother's Day in France is the last Sunday of May, right ?? =) Hugs Sweetie !!

Niwi , 6 years ago

Oh! So soothing... I'm loving this set Kate, wonderful colors !
Enjoy your Friday, and have a good weekend!

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