Travel Memories

collection Spring/Summer 2019Travel, 6 years ago
by Kate O
Travel Memories - Fashion set
12 JUN 2019 ~ I think I need a Vacation, some where Cooler !! It's not supposed to be this Hot in June !!

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Comments (16)


Kate O, 4 years ago

Thanks Bunches !!

countrycuz, 4 years ago

lovely set

haikuandkysses, 6 years ago


Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Sweeties !! Yes, it's been over 95 and up to 105 these past week !! All I can do is take it one day at a time !! Hugs !!

HalfMoonRun, 6 years ago

lovely feminine styling and pretty colours. another very charming set ♥ (sorry to hear that it is already to hot for you to be comfortable. until now in Montréal, just like in Paris, temperatures are lower that the normal for the season. but it is certain that the very unpleasant heatwave will come in these two cities too.)

Kate O, 6 years ago

@Niwi ~ xoxo !!

Niwi , 6 years ago

Hugs sweetie ! xoxo

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Sweetie !!

neverorever , 6 years ago


Kate O, 6 years ago

Niwi ~ it was cooler last night and I am able to use my window fan to bring in the cool air. I had to run my A/C yesterday !! Meesu was none to happy, she doesn't like the sound !! Me neither, but it was necessary !!
I am happy for you that your temps are not that hot. Hoping your summer is bearable !! Hugs Vero and Thanks for the nice comment !!

Niwi , 6 years ago

Hold on sweetie. I feel lucky for temperatures here are under the usual ones in June. They forcast summer for next week, but really, I can wait !
Very cute composition Kate ! smile
Hugs! xoxo

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Sweet Friends !!
Incogneato ~ it's winter in Australia and South America !!

Michelle858, 6 years ago

Excellent summer style, Kate smile

Incogneato, 6 years ago

A wonderful look! Hmmm ... I wonder where it is cooler! ❤️

Kate O, 6 years ago

Thanks Sweetie !! They do !!

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