
collection Spring/Summer 2020Work, 5 years ago
by Kate O
Either/Or - Fashion set
03 FEB 2020 ~ either accessories work well with the outfit, so depending on your mood and/or the weather you can't go wrong !!

New Week, New Attitude !!

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Comments (18)



Kate O, 5 years ago

THX !!!

neverorever , 5 years ago

Wonderful heart

Niwi , 5 years ago


Kate O, 5 years ago

When I worked I planned my wardrobe the night before !! Basically the only thing I had to worry about was if I put a run in my pantyhose getting in to them. I tried to always have a new pair available just incase ! Strangely, my planning didn't rub off on Rachel. =)
Hugs Vero !!

Niwi , 5 years ago

I love the idea to plan everything! Even if ii isn't always possible.
Beautiful set anyway, warm colors ! smile
Hugs sweetie xo

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks Bunches !!
Carmen Creation

Carmen Creation , 5 years ago

Fab jacket and awesome collage!

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks Sweeties !!

HalfMoonRun, 5 years ago

Very pretty styling. Great colours. Well designed set.

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks Hon !!

justmetwo, 5 years ago

Fantastic smile

Kate O, 5 years ago

Well, I had to comment on your comment because all you chose was the earrings !! I include shoes and bags along with jewelry as accessories !! Haha !!

Michelle858, 5 years ago

Kate O You just made me LOL !
LOL or I should say -----> L*O*L* <-----

Kate O, 5 years ago

Thanks Sweet Friends !!
Michelle858 ~ I'd like to see you in just the black drop earrings !!
Doozer ~ heartheart

Michelle858, 5 years ago

My choice would be the black drop earrings ! Great outfit !

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