
collection Spring/Summer 2022Spring, 3 years ago
by dgia
Alyssia- Fashion set
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Comments (38)


Gaja11 , 3 years ago

Very nice colors and style!

beautifulplace, 3 years ago

Such a lovely set, dear ❤️ Congratulations!

dgia, 3 years ago

@renita Thnak you very much,but-please,where is the newsletter?

Renita , 3 years ago

Beautiful set, congrats on being in the Newsletter!

dgia, 3 years ago

Doozer where is the newsletter?

Doozer , 3 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean. If you have the newsletter open you can click on a set and it will open it.

dgia, 3 years ago

jacksondobe Márta Tugyi thank you very much!

Doozer Thank you for the link,I saw the sets,but where can I click to go ?thanks

jacksondobe, 3 years ago

Congratulations for being featured in this week's trendMe Newsletter!!

Márta Tugyi, 3 years ago

Congratulations on being featured in the Best of TrendMe newsletter this week!

Doozer , 3 years ago

Congrats for making in to the newsletter!! Here is the link -

dgia, 3 years ago

HalfMoonRun thank you so much where can I see this?

HalfMoonRun, 3 years ago

Congratulations on your set being featured in The Best Of TrendMe For This Week.

dgia, 3 years ago

Helenelle valhala90 @lemo BeBeauty
Thank you very much!!!!

Helenelle, 3 years ago


valhala90, 3 years ago

So pretty!

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