Greek holiday

collection Spring/Summer2023Summer, 12 months ago
by Hazi
Greek holiday- Fashion set
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Comments (11)


Hazi, 12 months ago

Thank you Michelle858 smile x

Michelle858, 12 months ago

This is excellent and I am amazed at that awesome heart necklace charm !

Hazi, 12 months ago

Renita siriusfun thanks so much heart

siriusfun, 12 months ago

Lovely outfit and set!!

Renita , 12 months ago

Excellent style!

Hazi, 12 months ago

Márta Tugyi heart HalfMoonRun heartheart BeBeauty heart many thanks smile

BeBeauty, 12 months ago

very pretty ♥

HalfMoonRun, 12 months ago

Beautiful styling and colours. You have such a personal way of creating your sets and we love it. ❤︎

Márta Tugyi, 12 months ago

Excellent set!

Hazi, 12 months ago

Thank you neverorever heart

neverorever , 12 months ago

Amazing look sweetieheart

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