The 17th Items That Came Up On My Trend Me Items S

collection TREND ME FAVORITESCity, 5 years ago
by Michelle858
The 17th Items That Came Up On My Trend Me Items S- Fashion set
These items came up 17th in the items selection categories on Trend Me items. This has been fun and interesting to do.

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Comments (3)


peewee PV, 5 years ago


Michelle858, 5 years ago

JelNik The items in this set were not my choice, however, I am so happy you like it. This set has the 17th items in the Trend Me Item lists. It was just a little thing I was doing for a few sets - using the first items, the 17th items. They items show up randomly if you use the Trend Me items. Thank you so much for commenting smile

JelNik, 5 years ago

A great choice!

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