nr 2540 - Purple chic

collection VintageVintage, 4 years ago
by BeBeauty
nr 2540 - Purple chic- Fashion set
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Comments (10)


JelNik, 4 years ago


dgia, 4 years ago


BeBeauty, 4 years ago

thanks so much Michelle858 dehti Doozer Helenelle justmetwo peewee PV lemo
lemo Have a nice weekend too

lemo, 4 years ago

a dream my dear heartheartheartheart thank you very much for congratulations A NICE WEEKEND!

peewee PV, 4 years ago


justmetwo, 4 years ago

Brilliant,gorgeous shade ♥

Helenelle, 4 years ago

Great vintage look❤️

Doozer , 4 years ago

This is so beautiful Sweetie!! XXO

dehti, 4 years ago

Wonderful set! Love vintage.

Michelle858, 4 years ago

What a beautiful set and outfit in the loveliest color ! ! !

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