Beautifiedyou Cosmetica - Jan Marini Age Intervention Face Cream

Report Aggiunto:prima 7 annifa

$102.00 ~ 87.61€

Jan Marini Age Intervention Face Cream is the latest breakthrough in anti-aging technology formulated specifically for adult women over twenty-five years old. The Age Intervention Face Cream addresses the concerns of aging skin by targeting critical areas affected by changes in hormonal levels and sun damage. Benefits: Provides excellent skin rejuvenation for a radiant and healthy complexion Maximizes the skin's ability to repair damage Reverses signs of skin damaged caused by hormonal changes and aging Decreases inflammatory responses that contribute to visible signs of aging skin [ 28 g. / 1 oz. ] For clinically validated skin care & aesthetic products for professionals see Jan Marini products at BeautifiedYou.comAuthorized Jan Marini Resellers - 100% Authenticity Guaranteed

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