Birthday Challenge

dalla collezione ArtArte, prima 7 annifa
di Incogneato
Birthday Challenge- Combinazione di moda
Suburbhater suggested we use this dress and decorate it as we see fit, to celebrate recent birthdays (send her a link when you are done.)
I have long lost my list of birthdays, but if this resonates with you, please accept it with my best wishes!
Pam had an April birthday, and I've been thinking of her (and her daughter Olivia) lately. It's been a while since we had a chat. By my best estimation Olivia must be 15 or 16! I have little doubt she is a wonderful young woman, but imagine she poses...

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Commenti (26)


haikuandkysses, prima 7 annifa


heartsongs , prima 7 annifa

Magnificant doll, so good to see your wonderful creativity and You, and all these old polyfriends. yes, miss the ease of "getting together" of that site, but looks like you all are finding a way! does my heart good to see folks come back, find each other and thrive. i have mostly been creating on urstyle(just easier for me) but miss many of my poly friends so will stop by time to time to say "hi" and see how all are doing heart

lastchance , prima 7 annifa

How did you do the text?

lastchance , prima 7 annifa

Cooool set. I lost all the birthday's .. I always looked at my collections and now that info is gone.

Etteniotna, prima 7 annifa

Well done Niwi, I remember yours too! ;)

asia12, prima 7 annifa

Such a fab set!

Jennifer , prima 7 annifa

fantastic joyce!

LedaTrend, prima 7 annifa

Great artist!

Beverly , prima 7 annifa

This is such a great idea. I was thinking about all the little gestures we did such as set dedication and birthdays. I guess until we all get to know birthdays once again, we will have to do a monthly one for all. Hugs

Niwi , prima 7 annifa

Awesome Joyce ! Great idea from Lynne too smile
I've also lost my B'day list, I kept it in one of my PV collection.
I think I remember Ette is from May? 13th?
Lynne is a September child, you July ?
LOL oh my! my poor memory !

Incogneato, prima 7 annifa

Thanks for your encouragement! I miss the groups and small gestures that we enjoyed on PV. I hope others take the challenge of using this dress for an April May Birthday inspiration (and send the link to Suburbhater!)

Lisa , prima 7 annifa

It makes me happy to see sets this good that aren't from Polyvore, because then I see that good quality sets can be made on TrendMe. smile

vespagirl, prima 7 annifa

This is fantastic!

collagette, prima 7 annifa

What a great idea! Love this =D

Kate O, prima 7 annifa

Awesome Sweetie !!

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Ultimo utenti combinazioni

Prodotti del combinazione (3)

Smith & Wesson M1917 Revolver - Attrezzatura - $500.00  ~ 429.44€
other - Uncategorized -


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