Congratulations Dondi Faith!!

dalla collezione ArtArte, prima 4 annifa
di jacksondobe
Congratulations Dondi Faith!!- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (11)


jacksondobe, prima 4 annifa

Michelle858 : )

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

jacksondobe Wow, that is super cool. I love hearing things like that!

jacksondobe, prima 4 annifa

Michelle858 Thanks Michelle! Yes it is. History has repeated itself. Her mother, our oldest, was double promoted from the 4th to the 6th grade. Truly blessed!

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

Congratulations to Dondi Faith ! She is so cute ! That is a phenominal accomplishment to be double promoted !

jacksondobe, prima 4 annifa

Renita Thanks Renita!! heart

Renita , prima 4 annifa

That's awesome!

jacksondobe, prima 4 annifa

Doozer @KateGWest justmetwo Kate O Thank you all so much!! heartheartheart We are very proud of her! : )

Doozer , prima 4 annifa

She is adorable!! Congratulations!! XXO

KateGWest, prima 4 annifa

YaY! Congratulations - Dondi Faith!!

justmetwo, prima 4 annifa

Beautiful,big congrats to her ♥

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Awww, what a cutie !! Hope she does well in 2nd Grade !! Congrats on your achievements Dondi Faith !!

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