The full moon 2

dalla collezione ArtArte, prima 3 annifa
di Sherlin
The full moon 2- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (9)


Sherlin, prima 3 annifa

Right you are! A bit scareful, a bit lonely, but very beautiful...

sandra , prima 3 annifa

Sherlin LOL don't sell yourself short now, looking at this the story writes itself. Like I said outstanding. You can just see it happen

Sherlin, prima 3 annifa

Well, I dare say, my set is a kind of illustration to your story, dear sandra !

sandra , prima 3 annifa

Sherlin what can I say, I'm a writer, it's in my nature to find the story in all things and this makes it so easy, it is so atmospheric smile

Sherlin, prima 3 annifa

Xoxo! You wrote a whole story! Thank you, sweetie, it's great!❤❤❤

sandra , prima 3 annifa

So spooky, perfect for halloween. Of course there is always that one guy/girl who goes into the middle of nowhere on a cold dark night. What could possibly go wrong after all LOL

Sherlin, prima 3 annifa

Thank you, dear Michelle858 and BeBeauty !

BeBeauty, prima 3 annifa

I love it smile

Michelle858, prima 3 annifa


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