Who needs titles

dalla collezione AutumnTutti i giorni, prima 4 annifa
di sandra
Who needs titles- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (7)



MarinaSyd, prima 4 annifa

So lovely!!

DiscoMermaid , prima 4 annifa

Perfectly styled!

HalfMoonRun, prima 4 annifa

Very, very beautiful styling. Love the colours. And another great set.
(When a set speaks for itself
indeed the title becomes unnecessary.
But a poetic title is always so enjoyable to read and adds a pleasant little something to the set.)

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Great None Title !! I have trouble coming up with titles too !! Lovely Winter Look !!

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Michelle858 I love coming up with set titles, but sometimes you come across a set that won't be titled. Glad you like it

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

love it

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

Exactly, sandra ! Who needs titles. Your sets are so pretty they speak for themselves ! I love this outfit heart

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