Exterior First . . .

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2018Natale, prima 6 annifa
di Kate O
Exterior First . . .- Combinazione di moda
27 NOV 2018 ~ I always decorate the Exterior first and then the interior decorations. My Tree comes last !! This years Exterior theme is Silver & Turquoise, but the Interior is always Traditional Christmas Decor !!

Happy Countdown to Christmas !!

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Commenti (10)



Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, prima 6 annifa


Niwi , prima 6 annifa

Ah! I'm addicted to sugar too! Chocolate is my favorite sin ;-) I gave up sugar only into my hot beverages and now I'm totally anable to swallow sugared coffee, it would make me actually sick. So strange. In summer, I make some organic tea and keep it into a glass bottle, in the fridge. So refreshing! smile

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

I do like Iced Tea and drink it with lemon only. Maybe I'll make some to give me another option !! I Love Ice Water, so drinking it all day isn't a chore at all, but, I do miss my morning Coffee !! I am a sugar addict and have tried to give it up, but, I always give into the cookies, chocolates etc... I know I am bad, but, I have been this way forever !! There must be something in my DNA that has me addicted to sugar because neither of my parents were big sugar eaters !! Sadly, I only have one cup of coffee in the morning, so it isn't like I drink it all day like a few people I know !! Life isn't Fair !! LOL !!! =D
Have a great day Sweetie and enjoy your black coffee !!
xoxo, Kate

Niwi , prima 6 annifa

Yes, water can be boring for many people smile But it is the best way to stay hydrated. I drink a lot of water. I hope you can drink some fancier beverages again soon sweetie ! I got rid of sugar years ago and drink all my hot beverages with no addition. My coffee is just black with no milk, no cream, I sometime put honey and a bit of lemon juice in my tea when I've got a flue.
Take care Kate! xoxo

beautifulplace, prima 6 annifa

Wonderful and comfy heart

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Thanks Bunches !!
Niwi ~ A Cosy Sweater, Jeans and comfy shoes are me too !! I just took down my Thanksgiving decorations inside & out, now I need to start on Christmas !!
My tree goes up the first weekend of Dec, so I think I need to get a move on !! Would Love a cup of coffee right now, but, my Dr. asked that I forgo my Caramel Macchiato or any Creamer that has sugar in it. I can't drink coffee black, so i haven't had a cup in almost 3 weeks. Seems the new drug I am on reacted to the creamer & screwed up my Glucose Lab results. So for the time being I am not drinking coffee or tea ( I like it with sugar ), not sure if this will be permanent. I drink good old filtered water all day long, which isn't a bad thing, but, a bit boring !!
=D xoxo !!

sandra , prima 6 annifa

Already counting down? I am always way late, anyway, great set

Nanni33, prima 6 annifa


Niwi , prima 6 annifa

Lovely turquoise Christmas set Kate ! I love the outfits too, totally my style... and this coffee looks yummy! ;-D

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