Love begins with You . . .

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2018Tutti i giorni, prima 6 annifa
di Kate O
Love begins with You . . .- Combinazione di moda
12 FEB 2019 ~ Sometimes hard to do, but, we need to love ourselves first in order to Love someone else.

Happy Wednesday even though it is raining again !!

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Commenti (16)


haikuandkysses, prima 6 annifa


Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Thanks Sweetie !!

beautifulplace, prima 6 annifa

Such a cute outfit! Great set!❤︎

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Niwi ~ Thanks Bunches Sweetie !!

Niwi , prima 6 annifa

So true. Beautiful and sweet combo Kate, simple but feminine though.

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

It was !! The mill doesn't exist anymore. After the Berry Brothers passed on it was sold and it was supposed to become a resort. Never happened !! Those years were the best !! In Summer we would be traipsing through the lumber stacks or making forts & houses out of sticks and old lumber. My Mom took a picture of me one summer after playing all day outside. I was covered in dirt head to toe and the only thing she could see was my blue eyes !! Such wonderful memories for me !!

Incogneato, prima 6 annifa

Sounds like a fun place to grow up!

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Thanks so much Sweet Friends !!
Incogneato ~ That's too funny !! I have never lived in real snow country as an adult. My Dad was a Lumberman and when I was 6-8 years old we lived in Berry's Lumber Mill where it snowed a lot !! My Dad was the only one that could drive in snow, so he took all the school age kids up to catch the bus !! This was not on pavement, but a dirt Logging road. We had so much fun the years we lived there !!

Incogneato, prima 6 annifa

Thanks Kate. I sent my brother in Ottawa a photo of our snow and he returned one reminding me what real snow country looks like! Kate O

HalfMoonRun, prima 6 annifa

Très joli et si doux. - Very pretty and so soft. ☆

Doozer , prima 6 annifa

Great look Sweetie, love the Kate Spade sneakers!! XXO

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

I appreciate all your nice comments, Thank You !!
Incogneato ~ seems like most everything is screwed up nowadays !! So far we have not had any snow in Rocklin, CA, but, I wouldn't put it past Mother Nature to make our lives more complicated !! She is pissed and rightfully so !! Hold on, because warmer weather will be here/there soon !! =D

Nanni33, prima 6 annifa

❤️ Top

Incogneato, prima 6 annifa

Nice set and statement. Usually we have rain but instead there is a foot of snow!

Michelle858, prima 6 annifa

Tops Fashion Set congratulations ! smile

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