September Rain

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2019Autunno, prima 6 annifa
di Kate O
September Rain - Combinazione di moda
16 SEP 2019 ~ first rain of September 2019 !!
What a wonderful and welcomed surprise !! Was a Hot Bowl of soup day !!

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Commenti (19)


Niwi , prima 6 annifa

Hope so too! ;-)

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Happy Weekend to You Too !! Let's hope your rain is generous but gentle, no more flooding like last year !! xoxo

Niwi , prima 6 annifa

We are waiting for rain starting tomorrow! Yes, Autumn is for the 23rd, so close now! ;-)
Happy weekend sweetie xoxo

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

I did enjoy it and we had a 2nd day of rain a couple of days later. Nothing major, just cleared the air and watered the lawn & shrubs !!
Gave me hope that Summer is fading and Autumn is here, which I believe it is on the 23rd !! Yeah !! Days have been in the low 80's and nights in the low 50's !! Windows are open and no A/C !!! =D
Hugs, Vero !!

Niwi , prima 6 annifa

Meesu seems to appreciate the cozy atmosphere! Enjoy the rain sweetie smile

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Thanks !!
Carmen Creation

Carmen Creation , prima 6 annifa

This is affectioned!!

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Hugs & Thanks Sweet Friends !!
peewee PV
HalfMoonRun ~ awww, Meesu is on my lap and I will certainly scratch her ears and give her a kiss for Lili Marie !! Hugs !!

HalfMoonRun, prima 6 annifa

Very lovely and comfy styling. So pretty set and colours. Would you please, dear Kate Kate O , once again pet Meesu, scratch the back of her ears and Lili Marie would also like that you to gently kiss her little wet muzzle. Thank you.

peewee PV, prima 6 annifa

what a wonderfully evocative set!

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Thanks Lovely Ladies !!
Doozer ~ yeah !! that is if you like rain !! XXO

Doozer , prima 6 annifa

Perfect rainy day set Sweetie!! It's raining here too. XXO

beautifulplace, prima 6 annifa

Soooo lovely, sweetie!!

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !!

neverorever , prima 6 annifa

Fantastic Autumn creation it heart

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