Finding the Time . . .

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2020Tutti i giorni, prima 4 annifa
di Kate O
Finding the Time . . .- Combinazione di moda
17 FEB 2021 ~ How often do we say " I need to find the time to . . . " !!
I am guilty of it and the only explanation is it just isn't that important presently, but, when it becomes important, " I Find the Time !! "

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Commenti (10)


Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Thanks so much Vero !! I Love the print of Montmartre !! Would definitely find the time for a stroll with someone Special !! ;-)

Niwi , prima 4 annifa

Beautiful Kate ! Lovely tenue with some "Courège" accent to stroll in the streets of Montmartre smile
Happy weekend sweetie xoxo

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

THX !!!

Renita , prima 4 annifa

Love the stone grey color, excellent set!

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Hugs and Thanks Sweet Friends !!
Doozer ~ Being retired often is the reason we procrastinate, Guilty !! I think it just come down to the fact I just don't want to do "whatever" at the moment !! It eventually gets done !! ;-)

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

So fabulous ! ! !

Doozer , prima 4 annifa

Beautiful Kate Sweetie!! I have no excuse lately for not having time. XXO

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Thank You Lovely Ladies !!
@lemo xoxo !

HalfMoonRun, prima 4 annifa

Very beautiful styling and colours. Wonderfully creative, inspired and well designed set. Love it.

lemo, prima 4 annifa

wow phenomenal my dear heartheartheartheartthank you very much for congratulations I WISH YOU A NICE DAY!

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Ultimo utenti combinazioni

Prodotti del combinazione (7)

Bag - Borsette -
Giacce e capotti
grey jacket - Giacce e capotti -
Earrings - Orecchine -
Scarpe classiche
Mules - Scarpe classiche -
Jersey - Maglioni -
Pantaloni capri
Pants - Pantaloni capri -
Gold - Collane -

Elementi grafici  (7)

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