Oh Holy Night !!

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2020Natale, Concorrenza 'Christmas time', prima 4 annifa
di Kate O
Oh Holy Night !!- Combinazione di moda
21 DEC 2020 ~ For many Christians around the world, the birth of Jesus Christ is the only reason for the season. I respect their beliefs, and even though modern day Christmas is too commercialized there can be a blending of the two !! It takes Hope, Love and a lot of determination !!

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Commenti (27)



Kate O, prima 4 annifa

sandra ~ Yes Baby Steps and one day at a time !! ;-)

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Kate O Soon, very soon you leave all of that behind. The sooner the later because none of that can lead anywhere worth going.

I know, finally we are here and let's make it better. Babysteps if need be, but better none the less.

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Thankfully, Biden knows the ropes and is walking into the White House with eyes wide open, knowledgeable and experienced !! Exactly what America needs right now !!
Good riddance to #45, his proud boys, fascist, nazi sympathizers, etc...
let's hope they crawl back under the rock and disappear !!

I am Celebrating a New Day and a New Year !! Yeah !!

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Kate O There is a lot Biden can still do via executive order. I'm not sure the republicans will be a fan of that, but needs must. The fact that I know who Mitch McConnell is says it all. What he should or should not do isn't something we'd need to notice before. I look forward to not having to think about it anymore.

Our most important issues should never be politics I agree, there is enough to worry about without hearing about your head of state ten times a day.

So you've joined the rest of us in 2021. I hope it will bring you joy and hope. And health first of course.

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

sandra ~ I believe you are correct !! Biden is needed now, along with Kamala Harris !! After Obama assumed the mess Bush made of the economy, etc, it is now Bidens turn to fight the good fight and he knows what it will take !! Unfortunately, Biden. like Obama has McConnell to deal with and he has sworn to block Biden, just like he did with Obama. McConnell is one evil man who has no conscience, no empathy, no morals, no integrity and no honor !! He and his Rethugs will be waiting with bated breathe to point fingers, ridicule and embarrass Biden/Harris while undermining policies, programs, laws, appointees, etc. Would love to see him, #45 and Family handcuffed and escorted out of Washington DC. Oh what a Day Dream !!

Once #45 ( ex-president) is no longer in my face every day my worries should be much less !! I personally do not want to hear or read about him or family ever again !!

By the time you read this, it will be January 1, 2021 !! Happy New Year Sweetie !! All the Best to You and Family !! Hugs, Kate

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Kate O I know that wasn't what you implied, no need to worry smile If we were to try and find out what is going on in Donalds head we'd need years of intensive research and it is not worth our time, here we are already looking at what Biden and his team want to do. I firmly believe this is why his previous presidential campagnes failed, because he is the man for this moment. He is needed and can do the most good now.

In that case I hope she can do more of this work she loves in the new year. By Spring might be a bit too early, but maybe by summer.

I know how you feel. If you don't pay attention you'll have an unlimited supply of stuff to worry about. Something I simply forbid myself to think about something. Took a lot of trying to make it work though.

I agree, in a few hours we'll be done with this. I saw a cat meme that said Happy new year? Better be or heads will roll LOL. True thing that if you ask me. So happy New Year in advance. Anything I can wish you and more

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

I didn't intend to imply that the USA is the most important country in the world and that our worries and troubles are the worlds as well !! We all need to work together, drawing on our strengths to help others. The last 4 years has been about one person and what would benefit him !! Basically he said, " If you don't do it my way, then Screw You & he did !! "
It mattered not who he threw under the bus and what his actions or non-actions would do to the world. He is a true Narcissist ( among other things ) !! Our new Administration will work toward Unity, Healing and Growth ( Economy & Individuals ).
Rachel does have a great job, she is very passionate about her work !!
Not many can say they love what they do !! She can & does !! I am very proud of her !!

Hard to tell someone not to worry, especially if it's in their nature !! I am a bit of a worrier, but, try to keep it under control and I guess with age it isn't all consuming anymore !!

12:01am we can kick 2020 to the curb and welcome 2021 with open arms, big smiles and renewed Hope !!

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Kate O we are big fans of documentaries in my family as well. From nature, to history to music, etc. There is always so much to find out.

The best gifts are personal, not expensive. Sounds like your daughters got a great job BTW

If it is any comfort, not all of the worlds troubles have to do with the US, but yes the absence as been noted. Your new president will get ahead in sorting that out though. Maybe not everything, but someone who knows what they are doing and means well can bring the temperature down considerably and keep the machine of state running as it should.

So not to worry brighters days are coming smile

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

I love Documentaries and use Netflix to watch them !! They are not only informative, but, inspiring and sometimes scary !! Things I thought were true have been debunked and things I doubted have been proven to be correct. The ones that make me crazy are those who leave me with more questions than answers !!

I agree that the simplest gifts given from Love is the most precious !! The items on my wish list I can purchase myself, but, the portraits of my Munchkins means Love, time, thought and energy went into them. My daughter Rachel is a Photographer and her expertise is Food, though she does portraits occasionally. Her clients are restaurants and local magazines that feature the establishment, chef's and specialties !! Covid-19 has definitely impacted their businesses and Rachel's income, but thankfully she has managed to stay afloat. The one gift I always ask for is portraits of my 3 Munchkins and this year was no exception.
No other gift means more to me than those images of Ava, Dahlia and Phoenix taken at places that has meaning and memories for us.
I am blessed !!

I am looking forward to knowing that everything negative from the past 4 years will be addressed and corrected or rectified. It won't be easy or quick, but, as long as I see progress I have Hope it will happen !! I also know that the whole world has suffered and been affected by poor or non-existent governing here in America and I believe we can make things right with time and effort !! Hugs, Kate

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Kate O so you saw it then? I'm glad you like it. Gift giving is a very nice idea, but an expensive reality that much is true. We need to stop associating love with stuff. Some of it is precious of course, but not all of it. If anything the more fancy it is the less it means.

You are right of course. That will take long. Here it'll be a some as a result of the pandemic and due to Brexit (they are one of my countries most important trading parties). Suffice to say it is a mess.

I know, hope (and calm) will be a good thing to have again smile to be able to feel like there is a pretty decent future waiting for us.

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

sandra ~ To think that initially the idea of giving little gifts of fruit, handmade items and decorating the home with evergreen boughs to break up the harsh winter has morphed into what we see today !! Though I love all the decorations and the giving of gifts to loved ones, I must admit it can be overwhelming and a budget buster !! I have had to pair down my gift giving list and now it's only my little family & best friend.

Sadly, our economy won't recover for quite awhile. With double digit unemployment, local businesses closing and the previous Administration unwilling to accept responsibly for the situation, it will be an uphill battle and potentially little progress for a long time !!

Cheers to a New Year, new Administration and renewed Hope !! Kate

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Kate O some things are pagan no doubt, but others are just popular stuff of the day (hence the tennis and sports thing). I don't mind every generation celebrating Christmas in their own way, but the buy buy buy stuff of recently is becoming a bit much. Even considering that the economy needs to be kept alive.

It was the Tudor Christmas documentary by Lucy Worsley. It was so insightful. Seems also that turkey wasn't a Christmas food. It used to be beef and evergreen branches all over the house. So still some greenery but no tree itself.

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Thanks Hon !!

sandra ~ I know that Christmas is a combination of many traditions and the majority are of pagan celebrations. I think I need to watch the documentary !! Never heard of Tennis being part of it's history. Krackers are not popular here in America, though I have seen them.
It seems that the major holidays have been taken over by Consumerism and the religious aspect is secondary. I agree that at the end of the day Christmas is the celebration of Love and Hope.

sandra , prima 4 annifa

Why hadn't I seen this yet? It's gorgeous. The birthday is Christ is the main thing I agree. I don't know why krackers come in to it (not so much here, but I'm told they are a thing). Saw a documentary about the history of Christmas and so some part of Christmas has always involved completely different stuff. Tennis at one point.

Being together is always more important since there are just things that money cannot buy and Christmas is hope at the end of the day. Kate O

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa


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