TINY Miracles . . .

dalla collezione Autumn/Winter 2020Nero e bianco, prima 4 annifa
di Kate O
TINY Miracles . . .- Combinazione di moda
28 OCT 2020 ~ notice them, embrace them & cherish them !! They are You & Your Life !!

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Commenti (11)



Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Thanks ever so much Lovely Ladies !!
Renita ~ wish it would rain here !!
Niwi ~ Hugs !! xoxo
peewee PV

Renita , prima 4 annifa

Very appropriate set, it has rained here in NY all week! I wish I had this outfit to wear!

JelNik, prima 4 annifa

Very beautiful!

Niwi , prima 4 annifa

So true and so wise ! Love the set too, casual chic smile
Hugs Sweetie xoxo

dgia, prima 4 annifa

Great mixing,love it!

peewee PV, prima 4 annifa

terrific design and look

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Hugs and Thanks Sweet Friends !!
HalfMoonRun ~ heart
Michelle858 ~ heartheart

HalfMoonRun, prima 4 annifa

GREAT, both the styling and its colours and your set.

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

One hundred million miracles are happening every day. (A line from my favorite song from "Flower Drum Song" !)
I love the use of line in this outfit ! Great set, Kate smile

justmetwo, prima 4 annifa

Brilliant ♥

neverorever , prima 4 annifa

Excellent sweetieheart

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