Of course this is an ideal writing outfit smile

dalla collezione CityTutti i giorni, prima 6 annifa
di sandra
Of course this is an ideal writing outfit :)- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (16)



haikuandkysses, prima 6 annifa


peewee PV, prima 6 annifa


Doozer , prima 6 annifa

Congrats Sweetie!! XXO

Michelle858, prima 6 annifa

Set of the Day Congratulations on such an awesome style ! smile

Incogneato, prima 6 annifa

Stellar - congrats!

Jillian Stefan , prima 6 annifa

so elegant!

jacksondobe, prima 6 annifa


Fashion Design, prima 6 annifa


HonkyTonkDancer, prima 6 annifa


beautifulplace, prima 6 annifa

Congratulations on your gorgeous set of the day!!

Georgine Dagher, prima 6 annifa

congratulations heart

Nanni33, prima 6 annifa

❤️❤️Congrats on set of the day

HalfMoonRun, prima 6 annifa

Pas de doute à propos de cela. Un autre si beau set. Félicitations! - No doubt about that. Another so beautiful set. Congratulations! ☆

Niwi , prima 6 annifa

Of course! smile)
Congratulations Sandra xo

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Outstanding Set of the Day !! Congrats Sandra !!

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