What she loves the most about travel...

dalla collezione FASHIONViaggi, prima 6 annifa
di Niwi
What she loves the most about travel...- Combinazione di moda
... is getting back to Paris.
This one is for Kate :)
Jeudi 28 février 2019

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Commenti (8)



haikuandkysses, prima 6 annifa


esterika, prima 6 annifa

Thank you!

Michelle858, prima 6 annifa

This outfit is excellent ! I love the dress - what an outfit from head to toe: perfect smile

Niwi , prima 6 annifa


Incogneato, prima 6 annifa

Exquisite fashion! ❤️

Kate O, prima 6 annifa

Absolutely !!! What I wouldn't give to be on a plane heading to France and my Friend Vero !! You are spoiling me Sweetie !! I Love this travel themed gift set !! All the items are Fabulous and oh so elegant !!
Hugs and Kisses my Wonderful Friend Vero !! heart heart heart

Niwi , prima 6 annifa

Merci beaucoup ! J'espère que Kate O l'aimera ;-)

HalfMoonRun, prima 6 annifa

Très beaux style et couleurs. Fantastique cadeau pour Kate. - Very beautiful styling and colours. Fantastic gift pour Kate. ☆ xoxo

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