The good triumphs over the evil

dalla collezione Frühling/Sommer 2019Natura, prima 5 annifa
di Gianoula
The good triumphs over the evil- Combinazione di moda
God does not overcome evil by using violence, but wins it over with His mercy.

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Commenti (10)


Gianoula , prima 5 annifa

Sherlin sandra You are lovely, wish you a nice Weekend, dear Friends 乂❤‿❤乂

sandra , prima 5 annifa

so cute

Sherlin, prima 5 annifa

Fairytale live!

Gianoula , prima 5 annifa

lemo neverorever JelNik dgia BeBeauty beautifulplace

Send you dear greetings from my work place smile Thank you so much

beautifulplace, prima 5 annifa

Wow, ein zauberhaftes set❤️❤️❤️

BeBeauty, prima 5 annifa

sweet smile

dgia, prima 5 annifa

Fantastic!love these cute animals and the Russian monument is awesome

JelNik, prima 5 annifa

Simply amazing!

neverorever , prima 5 annifa cute ..Reminds me of Disney cartoon heart

lemo, prima 5 annifa

wie im paradis

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