How to wear a Tie-Dye Cut-Out Tank Top!

dalla collezione How to wear Punk!Estate, prima 4 annifa
di DiscoMermaid
How to wear a Tie-Dye Cut-Out Tank Top!- Combinazione di moda
Dion Lee is an innovative luxury brand based in Australia, with a strong emphasis on construction, tailoring, and experimentation. Wear their casual yet punky top with blue denim jeans. Accessorise with white boots, a Chanel backpack, and matching earrings.

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Commenti (5)


DiscoMermaid , prima 4 annifa

Thanks, dgia !

dgia, prima 4 annifa


DiscoMermaid , prima 4 annifa

Thanks, Michelle858 and justmetwo !

justmetwo, prima 4 annifa

Brilliant ♥

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa


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