Elle, Entre La Timidité Et L'Audace

dalla collezione Les Histoires The StoriesTutti i giorni, Concorrenza 'SEPTEMBER STRIPES', prima 2 annifa
di HalfMoonRun
Elle, Entre La Timidité Et L'Audace- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (34)



beautifulplace, prima 2 annifa

Amazing set!!! Belated congrats!! ❤️

Gaja11 , prima 2 annifa

Belated congrats for this super set ❤︎

justmetwo, prima 2 annifa

Outstanding & a huge congrats to you ♥♥

dehti, prima 2 annifa

Congrats dear!

Doozer , prima 2 annifa

Congrats Sweetie!! XXO

Hazi, prima 2 annifa


Nanni33, prima 2 annifa


BeBeauty, prima 2 annifa

super cool - congrats ♥

HalfMoonRun, prima 2 annifa

It's SO nice of you to encourage us. So, a huge thank you and LOVE to each of you from each of us.
Danijela .
zoloto ,
darkeyes ,
mararivel ,
Márta Tugyi ,
Barbijoux ,
kari ch ,
ReiiLu ,
Michelle858 ,
Tamires ,
Evgeniya7 ,
Gordana Danilov ,
JelNik ,
dgia ,
neverorever ,
Hazi ,
Sherlin ,
jacksondobe ,
Renita ,
martinabb ,
siriusfun ,
Jungwon Paik ,
beleev ,
lemo ,
kmaryk and
collagette .

neverorever , prima 2 annifa

Congrats !

HalfMoonRun, prima 2 annifa

How kind of you webmaster trendMe for choosing our set as a Set Of The Day! Thank you very much. - LOVE

beleev , prima 2 annifa

Absolutely Adore !!!
Congratulations HalfMoonRun on your fabulous trendMe Set of the Day !!1 heart

Márta Tugyi, prima 2 annifa

Congratulations on your trendMe Set of the Day !

kmaryk, prima 2 annifa

Excellent! Love it! Congrats darling! ❤︎

lemo, prima 2 annifa

Congratulations! heartheartheart

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