The Color (s) of January

dalla collezione Monthly Color Challenge Inverno, prima 4 annifa
di Kate O
The Color (s) of January - Combinazione di moda
02 JAN 2021 ~ January brings to mind, Icy streets and sidewalks, snow and feeling cold to the bones !!
Iridescent white and light blue are the colors of January !!

Happy New Year !!

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Commenti (8)


Niwi , prima 4 annifa

Lovely January color set sweetie ! Precious like a jewel smile
We are expecting some snow for tomorrow morning. Not to much I hope now the Christmas break is over and I have to drive a bit.
Hugs Kate ! xoxo

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

BeBeauty ~ Thanks Hon !!

BeBeauty, prima 4 annifa

lovely set smile

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Thanks so much !!

HalfMoonRun, prima 4 annifa

So beautiful!

neverorever , prima 4 annifa

Gorgeous!!! heart

Kate O, prima 4 annifa

Michelle858 ~ Remember, you can get snow and ice up the hill in a couple of hours !! When I live in Grass Valley we had snow & ice !! I remember slipping down my stairs one morning on my back. Thankfully nothing was broken, just bruises !! Hugs !!

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

This is so beautiful but where are you getting ice and snow ? LOL ! I remember going Christmas shopping in Sac with just a sweater on and thinking how fantastic that was. I do remember the down pours of rain, however, the likes I had never seen before. I miss Sac and all of the outstanding people and friends there ! heart

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