follow your dreams

dalla collezione My artArte, prima 7 annifa
di collagette
follow your dreams- Combinazione di moda
Happy Birthday to those born in April and May! =D
Response to Suburbhater's challenge re Victorian gown decorating.
2nd doll on trendme #Suburbhater #challenge

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Commenti (14)


countrycuz, prima 4 annifa


haikuandkysses, prima 7 annifa


svijetlana2, prima 7 annifa

Wonderful doll!! ♥

Incogneato, prima 7 annifa

Splendid ... so happy to see this!

Renita , prima 7 annifa

Absolutely gorgeous!

Ellen Norton, prima 7 annifa

Absolutely beautiful!!

Suburbhater , prima 7 annifa

Love this! Thank you so much for playing and for letting me know. I miss contests (not the winning but the fun of planning and seeing the entries)

Qiou, prima 7 annifa

Wow! Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dianne Collier, prima 7 annifa

She is beautiful my dear friend xo

asia12, prima 7 annifa

Amazing set

dianefantasy , prima 7 annifa

So Beautiful

Anne Irene , prima 7 annifa

Very pretty set !!!

Lisa , prima 7 annifa


zaplily , prima 7 annifa


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Prodotti del combinazione (2)

Elementi grafici  (14)

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