Butterfly Kisses

dalla collezione Spring/Summer 2018Estate, prima 7 annifa
di Kate O
Butterfly Kisses - Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (18)



Kate O, prima 7 annifa

Thanks Dear !!

haikuandkysses, prima 7 annifa


Kate O, prima 7 annifa

@Niwi ~ Meesu definitely has Cattitude and is very talkative !! She has her pet peeves, one being she does not like to be picked & held. When I pick her up she squeaks and then starts squirming. But she does let me play with her ears !! =)

Niwi , prima 7 annifa

Fantastic ! Meesu seems to be a nice little fellow of her own smile Cats get personality !

Kate O, prima 7 annifa

@Niwi ~ I did have a nice 4th !! Sat & Sun last, the park down the street had fireworks and Meesu didn't care at all !! My other Kits would hide !! Im am finding that Meesu is very different than my other Kits in many ways, though she doesn't like the Vacuum either !! She is getting used to the A/C !! xoxo !!

Niwi , prima 7 annifa

Wonderful ! Love this green summer set !
Hope you had a great 4th, and that Meesu is not too scared with firework. Berlingot was in total panic with them!

Kate O, prima 7 annifa

Thank You ever so much Ladies !!

JecaKNS, prima 7 annifa


MWay, prima 7 annifa


vespagirl, prima 7 annifa


Nanni33, prima 7 annifa

love it

beautifulplace, prima 7 annifa

Very lovely look! Love butterflies ❤️

Kate O, prima 7 annifa

Thanks ever so much sweet Friends !!

@Doozer ~ Thanks for letting me know your fur baby's name !! I really miss some of the things PV offered also !! Keep telling myself I should not complain !!
For those who profess to be Christian and worship false gods will some day stand in judgement and all the power & money they accrued won't save them !!
Hugs Sweetie !! xoxo

Pat912, prima 7 annifa


Doozer , prima 7 annifa

This is gorgeous Sweetie, so well put together! I wish we could respond to comments like we could on Polyvore. Yes, it is sad what is happening in our country and the world. If people would just do what Jesus would do we wouldn't have any problems. My Fur baby's name is Maxie, I love her to pieces!! Happy fourth! XXO

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