Under the Silvery Moon !!

dalla collezione Spring/Summer 2019Sogni, prima 5 annifa
di Kate O
Under the Silvery Moon !! - Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (16)



Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Happy Friday Vero !! Good to hear the temps are bearable, but still too hot !! Have not checked what temp it's supposed to be today, but, most assuredly it will be Hot !! It did cool down a bit last night and I have my window fan on to draw in the cooler air !! Hugs Sweetie !!

Niwi , prima 5 annifa

Temperatures are bearable today, yesterday was really something we never have experienced before and I hope we'll get a few days left to recover until next heatwave.
Happy Friday sweetie smile

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

I know you are a survivor, but, I hate the thought of you being so uncomfortable !!
Thankfully you don't have to travel to work everyday !! Having A/C in the car helps, but, you can't stay there for very long !! Thinking of you Sweetie !! xoxo

Niwi , prima 5 annifa

Cool towel, my lovely fan Luc brought me from Japan, and shutters closed. Napping helps a lot too hehehe !
Don't worry Kate, I'll be fine ;-)

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Oh My !! You are hotter than me !! It was 103 yesterday and forecasted to be 102 today !! Unless we have a power outage, I will fine, but, I worry about You !! Hope you have things to help keep you cooler, like a frozen towel to go around your neck and cool showers. I am hoping your temps do go down tomorrow !! Take Care Vero !! I am happy you like the little moon gift. =D

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thanks !!

Niwi , prima 5 annifa

oh! This is so poetic and beautiful Kate! Thank you I love it! Until the little sentence in French smile Right now I'm dreaming about wintery and silvery landscape, and this silvermoon set is just perfect to refresh me. We are over 107°F today and my body is really not used to this, and I'm not sure I could get used to such temperatures for long periods. Hopefully we'll be back to 85/90° tomorrow ;-)
Thank you again sweetie ! Stay cool ;-)
xo ♥

neverorever , prima 5 annifa


Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thanks Bunches my Friends !!
peewee PV

peewee PV, prima 5 annifa

so ethereal and beautiful

HalfMoonRun, prima 5 annifa

Beautiful styling. Wonderful moonlight.

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Hugs & Thanks My Lovely Friends !! heartheartheart

beautifulplace, prima 5 annifa

Absolutely stunning set my dear!!! ❤️

Incogneato, prima 5 annifa


Michelle858, prima 5 annifa

This couldn't be more perfect ! I LOVE THAT DRESS and everything in this set heart heart heart heart

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