---- smile ---- it was a Beautiful Day !!

dalla collezione Spring/Summer 2020Tutti i giorni, prima 5 annifa
di Kate O
---- smile ---- it was a Beautiful Day !! - Combinazione di moda
23 FEB 2020 ~ a preview of what Spring will be like every day !! It was a Beautiful Sunday !

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Commenti (14)



Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Niwi ~ Thanks Sweetie !! xoxo !!

Niwi , prima 5 annifa

Oh ! I almost missed this one ! Love the mood, the colors... the smile smile

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thanks Bunches !! Yes, the shoes are unique !!

HalfMoonRun, prima 5 annifa

Classic and very feminine styling with a touch of bold (shoes). Pretty neutral and set colors.

BeBeauty, prima 5 annifa

superb smile

JelNik, prima 5 annifa

Fantastic set! I like this outfit very much.

beautifulplace, prima 5 annifa

Fantastic look, dear ❤️

neverorever , prima 5 annifa

Brilliant set dear Kate smileheart

Helenelle, prima 5 annifa

Very beautiful set & great background ❤️

Diane1234, prima 5 annifa

Very Pretty set!

justmetwo, prima 5 annifa

Gorgeous outfit smile

Misshonee, prima 5 annifa

Gorgeous set ❤

Michelle858, prima 5 annifa

Yes, so true heart
This outfit is so lovely :

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