TOO Cute !!

dalla collezione Spring/Summer 2020Tutti i giorni, prima 5 annifa
di Kate O
TOO Cute !! - Combinazione di moda
29 APR 2020 ~ fell in Love with this vibrant, colorful dress. Realized that when I was much younger, I wore this style !! Too Cute !!

Happy Mid-week !!

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Commenti (12)


Niwi , prima 5 annifa


Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Awww, Thanks Vero !! Like I told Michelle, I remember wearing dresses similar to this one in Elementary school !! My Mom was quite the Seamstress and fabric was cheap back then, so I had a lot of clothes.
Hugs !!

Niwi , prima 5 annifa

Oh dear ! This is absolutely pretty and cute !
Hugs sweetie ! xo

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

I agree !! When I was in elementary school girls wore dresses or skirts !! Pants were never worn, until High school and only for casual Friday !!
That has been a long long time ago !! Now I notice girls are wearing PJ's or they look a lot like them !! I live near a High school so I see what is being worn and it's pretty weird and boring !! =D

Michelle858, prima 5 annifa

Pretty at any age - really a happy outfit !

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thanks Dear Friends !!

beautifulplace, prima 5 annifa

Super cute styling!

BeBeauty, prima 5 annifa

so lovely style, love the dress too smile

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Hugs & Thanks Lovely Ladies !!
peewee PV

justmetwo, prima 5 annifa

So pretty what a wonderful outfit ❤️

Helenelle, prima 5 annifa

Wonderful look! Love that sandals❤️

peewee PV, prima 5 annifa

charming look

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